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Our Services


MRGDC serves numerous key roles in the advancement of regional economic development. It is positioned to support local initiatives and provide a mechanism for regional partners and stakeholders to meet, share information and explore issues they have in common as measures to propagate regionalism.


MRGDC serves numerous key roles in the advancement of regional economic development. It and is positioned to support local initiatives and provide a mechanism for regional partners and stakeholders to meet, share information and explore issues they have in common as measures to propagate regionalism.


Within the framework of its statutory authority the Council has, over the years, adopted the following goals for its collective efforts, beyond the goals outlined in each of its individual program plans, and reflected in its Annual Program of Work:

  • Improvement of the overall capacity of the region’s economy, and, thereby the economic opportunities available to its citizens;

  • Improvement of the skills and capacities of the region’s labor force, to insure its ability to capitalize on improved economic opportunities;

  • Improvement of the capacity of local governments and public service institutions to develop and deliver quality public and community services in support of the region’s development efforts;

  • Improvement of the quality of life for all of the region’s citizens, and particularly its elderly residents;

  • Elimination of unnecessary programmatic and administrative duplication in the delivery of public services in the region through operation of the Texas Review and Comments System.

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