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Education Committee

Chairperson, Mayor Ramsey Cantu

President Hector Gonzales

Dr. Patricia Nacosia

Hon. David R. Saucedo

Hon. Bruno Lozano

Dr. Guillermo Mancha

Hon.Ramsey Cantu

Staff Contact: Nick Gallegos



Community & Economic Development Committee

Chairperson, Mr. Roberto Gonzalez

Hon. Joe Luna

President Hector Gonzales

Mr. Henry Garcia

Hon. Tully Shahan

Staff Contact: Conrado Longoria



Environmental Committee:

, Chairperson, Hon. Andres Rodriguez

Hon. Frank Moreno

Hon. Sylvano Sanchez

Hon. Don McLaughlin

Hon. Harry Schneeman

Hon. Wayne Seiple

Staff Contact: Conradio Longoria



Finance Committee:

Chairperson, Mr. Joe Cardenas

Hon. Frank Ponce

Hon. Harry Schneemann

Hon. Lewis Owens

Ms. Otila Gonzalez

Hon. Andres Rodriguez

Staff Contact: Joe Cruz



Budget Committee:

Chairperson, Dean Hector Gonzalez

Hon. William R. Mitchell

Hon. Joel Rodriguez

Mr. Henry Garcia

Hon. Bella Rubio

Staff Contact: Joe Cruz



Nominating Committee

Chairperson, Judge Frank Ponce

Judge William R. Mitchell

Judg. Joe Luna

Hon. David Saucedo


Staff Contact: Nick Gallegos



Transportation Committee

Chairperson, Judge Joel Rodriguez, Jr.

Hon. William R. Mitchell

Hon. Ramsey Cantu

Mr. Henry Garcia

Hon. David Saucedo

Hon. Joe Luna

Staff Contact: Conrado Longoria



Bylaws/Policy Committee

Chairperson, Hon.William R. Mitchell

Mr. Conrado Longoria

Mr. Betty Sifuentes

Ms. Bonnie Brown

Mr. Joe Cruz

Staff Contact:  Nick Gallegos



Workforce Committee

Chairperson, Mayor Ramsey E. Cantu

President Hector Gonzales

Mayor Andres Rodriguez

Mayor Sylvano Sanchez

Dr. Guillermo Mancha

Staff Contact:  Betty Sifuentes



Partnership & Resource Committee

Chairperson, Mayor Frank Moreno

Hon. Bruno Lozano

Hon. Ramsey E. Cantu

Hon. Don McLaughlin

Hon. Lewis Owens

Staff Contact:  Nick Gallegos



Audit Committee

Chairperson, Joe Cardenas

Hon. Joe Luna

Hon. David Saucedo

Hon. Ramsey E. Cantu

Hon. Bella Rubio

Hon. Bruno Lozano

Staff Contact:  Joe Cruz



Monitoring Committee

Chairperson, Judge Joe Luna

Judge Frank Ponce

Mr. Henry Garcia

Judge Joel Rodriguez

Mayor Robert Garza

Staff Contact: Nick Gallegos

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