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Criminal Justice Planning​

The Criminal Justice Planning program of the Middle Rio Grande Development Council (MRGDC) has been assisting local units of governments for over 30 years. Some of the functions which this program has provided include:


  • Coordination of criminal and juvenile justice community planning activities within the region;

  • Technical assistance on special requests from law enforcement departments;

  • Support staff to the Regional Criminal Justice Advisory Committee;

  • Assistance in the identification of primary concerns and problem issues affecting the comprehensive criminal justice system within the region.


CJD has a variety of funding sources to fit your needs:


Juvenile Justice and Youth Programs:

  • Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention A variety of prevention, diversion, intervention, and training projects that prevent juvenile delinquency and teach young offenders how to change their lives and be accountable for their actions.

  • Title V Delinquency Prevention Program Community-based projects that prevent crime by targeting the risk factors that leads to delinquency behavior.

  • Challenge Grant Program Local alternative education programs for at-risk and delinquency youths.

  • Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Service to children, youths, and families that help prevent drug use and promote safety in schools and communities.

  • Enforcement of Underage Drinking Laws Projects that provide comprehensive prevention and enforcement related to underage drinking.

  • Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant Projects that provide accountability-based sanctions for juvenile offenders.


Victims Services Programs:

  • Victims of Crime Act Fund Services and assistance directly to victims of crime to speed their recovery and aid them through the criminal justice process.

  • Violence Against Women Act Fund Training, special prosecution units, and victim service projects that reduce and prevent violence against women.


Criminal Justice Programs

  • Criminal Justice Planning Fund A wide range of projects designed to reduce crime and improve the criminal and juvenile justice system.

  • Crime Stoppers Assistance Fund Funds to local Crime Stoppers programs to assist them in their operations and statewide projects that support the program.

  • Texas Narcotics Control program Special projects and multi-jurisdictional efforts that target drug-related crime, violent crime, and serious offenders.

  • Residential Substance Abuse for State Prisoners Treatment for chronic substance abusers who are incarcerated in adult and juvenile correctional facilities at both the state and local level.

  • Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Projects that provide aid to local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies.

To contact the Solid Waste Management Department, please see below:

Michelle Garcia

Solid Waste Planner


Conrado Longoria

Planning & Operations Director


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