As a regional planner and coordinator, MRGDC's projects, reports, plans and accomplishments are done on the program level which span across a variety of areas to assist and support counties, cities, and their residents. These program areas are divided among MRGDC’s five program divisions — Aging Services, Emergency Communications, Homeland Security, Regional Planning and Services, the Regional Law Enforcement Academy.
Aging Services
Each Area Agency on Aging provides a different suite of services although there are basic services that are provided to nearly all AAA’s. These include: Nutrition, Benefits Counseling, Home Delivered Meals and Congregate Meals. Caregiver Support, Respite Care, and Long Term Care Ombudsman Program.
2-1-1 Texas
2-1-1 Texas, a program of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, is committed to helping Texas citizens connect with the services they need. Whether by phone or internet, our goal is to present accurate, well-organized and easy-to-find information from state and local health and human services programs.
Funding & Grants
The Middle Rio Grande COG receives state and federal funding to administer workforce programs, economic development programs, law enforcement training, environmental, and criminal justice grants. It also is CDBG Certified to apply and administer CDBG Grants.
Outreach & Education
Middle Rio Grande Programs Directors and Staff engage on partnering with regional community organizations and committees to provide broad exposure to programs and services offered.
Training & Workshops
The Middle Rio Grande COG holds trainings and workshops throughout the year based on the needs of the regional counties it serves on economic development, opening meetings laws, financial literacy, and job training workshops in partnership with local and state agencies.
Data & Maps
GIS plays many roles in 9-1-1 Since the late 1990s, GIS is most commonly used to provide tactical mapping for 9-1-1 Communicators, Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) dispatchers, and emergency responders. Tactical mapping systems reduce emergency response time by identifying the location of emergency call on a map, and compute best routes to the scene for emergency responders.